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Seated Stretches - For At Your Desk Or On The Plane

For many of us, the last year has been a year of inactivity. The gyms were closed, we were encouraged to stay home, we lost our morning and evening commutes. As a result, most of us have been sitting for much longer than we ever were before, and it is taking a toll on our bodies. We use much less energy when we sit than when we stand or move. Sitting for prolonged periods can cause obesity which comes with a number of worrying health concerns. It can also lead to a weakening of the leg and glute muscles. We rely on these muscles to stabilize ourselves as we go about our day and if they are weak we can put ourselves at risk of injury. For many of us, working from home has been a huge factor in sitting all day long. As we sit at our desks hunched over our keyboards and peering into our screens we are putting enormous strain on our posture and our backs.

According to research published in 2020, you need to do 30-40 minutes of exercise every day to counteract a day of sitting. That sounds like a lot but remember every little bit counts. Standing up, walking to the kitchen, and getting a good stretch can all work towards offsetting the harmful effects of sitting all day. While we do encourage everyone to fit in some moderate-high intensity workouts throughout their week, the little things we do throughout the day will also have a positive effect.

As many of us prepare for a more active second half of 2021 and as we prepare for our first trip in a long time, we need to prepare our bodies by moving more now. But there is no need to overwhelm ourselves on the first day. If we work on building the habit slowly we will be more likely to stick to it and reap the benefits.

Here is a series of stretches you can do while sitting at your desk. Not only are these stretches going to be easy to incorporate into your day now (no need to get up or change into workout clothes for these!) they are also going to help prepare you for your first flight. Learn this routine now and have it on hand next time you find yourself on a long-haul flight or waiting at the airport.

Here are 6 easy stretches you can do while sitting at your desk

1. Hands above head

Find a comfortable seated position. Sit up straight, look straight ahead and raise your right arm above your head. Reach for the sky, engaging your arm muscles and stretching your fingertips up. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat for the left side.

2. Side neck stretch

Take your right hand to your left shoulder and place your left hand just above your right elbow. Drop your left ear to your left shoulder and straighten. You should feel a deep stretch along the right side of your neck. Repeat 6 times and then do the same on the other side.

3. Arm cross shoulder stretch

Take your right hand to your left shoulder and place your left hand on your right elbow. Pull the right elbow towards your left shoulder. You will feel this stretch in your right shoulder and upper arm. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat for the other arm.

4. Foot stretch

Bring the right ankle to the left knee. Hold onto your right knee if it feels more comfortable. Flex your toes towards your body and then away from you. Repeat 10 times. Repeat for the other foot.

5. Shoulder roll

Place your hands on your thighs, roll the shoulders up towards your ears and down. If you have a stiff neck this can be a challenging stretch. Make sure you move slowly through the rotation, acknowledging where it feels stiff and working through those areas.

6. Spine twist

Place your right hand on your left knee and your left hand either on the armrest beside you or behind your back. Twist your upper body to the left, looking over your left shoulder. Take three deep breaths. Repeat for the right side.

If you are looking for more tips on how to build a fitness habit from scratch check out this post. At Sanctifly we are here to support travelers build healthy and lasting habits. Even though we are not flying right now, maintaining healthy routines is still important. Building good habits around exercise both at home and on the road is one of the main pillars of support we offer our members. Find nutritional facts, healthy meal plans, and more in the Sanctifly app today and start your journey to better health and wellness.

You can find a video version of this stretch routine in the Sanctifly app. Download the app today to explore our content and start building your healthy habits at home with Sanctifly.

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