3 Steps to Better Health

3 Steps to Better Health


Picture this, there is the usual congestion into the airport, huge queues through security and even massive queues to the toilets and you as always allow for the normal things that will slow you down. Ultimately your mindset for your trip is not one of relaxation! It is all about overcoming obstacles along the way.

We get it here at Sanctifly, we are all getting extremely busy. This is why we created this app for your convenience whilst dealing with meetings, appointments and families. What we need to do however is watch our health.

How much time do you actually spend minding your health?

One of very well known ambassadors states “Fitness leads to Greatness!” Daniel Ramamoorthy is a massive advocate of a healthy body leads to a healthy mind. Once you can work away the stress and strains of your responsibilities it puts you on a much better footing overall. Watch his experience of our newest location out of Dublin Airport.

Making time for yourself is what we want to make possible for you. You can rely on us to make the transition as smooth and as simple as possible.


Every business involves travel – it is just a necessity! We can provide you either aerobic or gym facilities at your location. We can send you the best runs/jogs close to your location.

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We have some amazing swimming facilities and Spa’s to visit as well so we are listening to your needs and building on them!

The Three Steps to Better Health!

We have an app for that…

1. We have an app that you can add simply to your phone and get started. With clear directions and even gives you detail of how long it will take to get to these facilities, you’re not left guessing!

2. You can buy as many passes as you want for the day and time window you need and you’re set to go.

3. Read our “Top Tips” blog posts to take advantage of the local places to go at the airport your grabbing your workout from. Get a massage!

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This is your time to get fit and travel simply, Sanctifly is really committed to a better travel experience and we on the team are always looking for ways to bring that right at your fingertips.

Learn more at our website www.sanctifly.club and sign up today.