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Best Yoga Guide for Long Haul Flights

Modern travel has transformed the world into a global village, offering unprecedented opportunities to explore different cultures and experiences. Yet, the physical toll of long-haul flights remains a challenge for travelers. Hours spent in cramped spaces can lead to discomfort, fatigue, and jet lag. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of practicing light workouts/stretches during your journey and highlight some videos from the Sanctifly library that are tailored to keep you active and centered throughout your travels.

The Need for Long Haul Yoga

Air travel, while granting us the gift of reaching far-flung destinations, often comes at the cost of bodily discomfort. The extended periods of sitting can lead to poor circulation, muscle tension, and even a sense of restlessness. That's where long haul yoga comes to the rescue. These carefully curated yoga poses are designed to be performed within the confines of an airplane seat, making them perfect for relieving stiffness and enhancing your overall well-being mid-flight.

Benefits of Long Haul Yoga

Improved Circulation: Prolonged periods of sitting can lead to decreased blood circulation, which may cause discomfort and swelling in the legs. Incorporating simple yoga poses, even while seated, can stimulate blood flow and prevent these issues.

Reduced Muscle Tension: Long flights often result in muscle stiffness, particularly in the neck, shoulders, and lower back. Long haul yoga poses can target these areas, releasing tension and promoting relaxation.

Enhanced Flexibility: Gentle stretches during the flight can help maintain or even improve your flexibility, preventing that post-flight stiffness that so often occurs.

Mind-Body Connection: Engaging in yoga, even in a limited space, encourages a connection between your mind and body. This can alleviate anxiety and restlessness, contributing to a more peaceful travel experience.

Energy Boost: Sitting for hours can lead to feelings of lethargy. Performing yoga poses can provide a quick energy boost and revitalize your body and mind.

Long Haul Yoga: Your In-Flight Sanctuary

Before heading to the airport:

After reaching airport:

During the flight:

After Landing:

Sanctifly Library: Your Travel Wellness Companion

The Sanctifly app makes it convenient to practice wellness during your travels. Here's how you can make the most of its features:

Pre-Flight Planning: Browse through the App library and go through our articles that guide you with how to prepare, what to eat, getting good rest for your flight. This way, you'll have a personalized wellness routine ready to go.

Before Onboarding: Once you've reached the airport, use the app to guide you through your mood. Access premium airport amenities like lounges, spas to relax before your flight.

Flight Delayed?: Register your flight if it’s being delayed for 2+ hours. And earn a reward of 100 points, equivalent to a complimentary pass for immediate use of premium airport amenities.

Embrace the journey by nurturing your body and mind, and arrive at your destination feeling refreshed and rejuvenated only at $11.95 a month. Become a Sanctifly member and SAVE up to 70% off walk-up prices at lounges and get exclusive access to hotel clubs and leisure areas.

Unlock a world of wellness at your fingertips at zero cost.