Your personal wellness travel agent Sara Quiriconi

Need some guidance, or accountability, to make those healthy habits stick when travelling? Stay healthy and travel well with Sanctifly and your personal wellness travel agent, Sara Quiriconi.

Sara is an author, certified yoga and health coach, content creator and frequent traveler. A warrior, healer, creator, and determined soul, Sara travels the world filming, interviewing, experiencing, sharing, and creating online content, speaking events and life coaching to inspire others to live a life of choice, freedom and intention. Graduating with honors and a BFA in Boston, Sara became immersed in the corporate world and succeeded in Art Direction and Graphic Design for the first eight years of her adult life. However, her immense passion to heal yourself through fitness, healthy eating, and exploring the world led her to leave the corporate world in 2013 to commit to educating others on the benefits of well-being and traveling.

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Sara understands how hard it is to stay healthy while on the road. Healthy habits go out the window thanks to long waiting times, poor quality food and lack of fitness options at airports. As wellness travel agent and ambassador for Sanctifly Sara is here to help members manage their wellness routine while travelling and make good habits stick. Save yourself time and stress and sign up for your personalized travel plan.

What you get:

  • Personalized wellness plan

  • Expert tips and coaching

  • Accountability to help you succeed in your health goals

Available to all members. Sign up today to get your personalized wellness travel plan.

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