airport top tips

The Vital Role of Quality Sleep for a Business Traveler

In the high-stakes world of business travel, where every journey for a meeting can feel like a battle, the significance of quality sleep cannot be overstated. Just as Spartans approached every challenge with discipline and strategy, today's corporate travelers must wield quality sleep as their most formidable weapon. In this article, we will delve into the compelling data showcasing the paramount importance of quality sleep for business travelers and the innovative solutions, such as Sanctifly, that can help them achieve it.

The Significance of Quality Sleep

It’s of little surprise that quality rest is no longer a mere luxury; it's a necessity.

In collaboration with BCD Travel, Sanctifly conducted a Wellbeing Survey which showed compelling data that underscores the critical role of sleep for business travelers:

  1. Productivity Boost: The Harvard Business Review's study found that well-rested employees are 40% more productive. In a world where each deal could define your success, productivity is paramount.

  2. Health Impact: The American Heart Associationestablishes a connection between sleep deprivation and an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and obesity. Maintaining optimal health is vital for a corporate traveler.

  3. Mood and Stress: The American Psychological Association highlights that insufficient sleep leads to increased stress and irritability. An irritable demeanor is hardly conducive to deal-making.

  4. Jet Lag and Lack of Sleep: The BCD's Traveler Wellbeing Surveyrevealed that 36% of business travelers named a lack of sleep and jet lag among their major concerns. For one in five, jet lag was a major post-trip stressor.

Tips for Quality Sleep During Long-Haul Flights

In the modern domain of business travel, quality sleep is the most treasured commodity. With calendars booked to the hilt and the elusive work-life balance, achieving true rest becomes a quest.

To achieve quality sleep and rise like a true corporate warrior, consider these practical tips:

  1. Create a Sleep Sanctuary: Make your resting space a sanctuary. Block out light, minimize noise, and control the room's temperature.

  2. Stick to a Schedule: Maintain a consistent sleep schedule, even when traversing multiple time zones. Discipline your body's internal clock.

  3. Mindful Eating: Avoid heavy meals, caffeine, and alcohol before bedtime. Just like Spartans didn't feast before a battle, you shouldn't before sleep.

  4. Exercise and Fresh Air: Engage in light physical activity during the day and get some fresh air to enhance sleep quality.

  5. Unplug and Relax: Turn off electronic devices an hour before bedtime. Embrace activities that promote relaxation and mental calmness.

  6. Invest in Quality Sleep Gear: Equip yourself with quality products to help you sleep better while traveling. Invest in a comfortable mattress, pillows, sleep masks, and earplugs to create your sleep sanctuary.

The Role of Technology:

In the age of innovation, technology plays a crucial role in enhancing the well-being of business travelers. The BCD data suggests that many travelers are turning to apps for well-being, with a significant interest in technology-based solutions to combat jet lag and improve sleep.

Sanctifly, a leading travel wellness club offers access to 600+ premium lounges, and other wellness facilities in and around the airport. In the last six months, these facilities were searched by every tenth traveler at various airports and hotels, highlighting the growing popularity of the sanctuary category. Additionally, Sanctifly has partnered with Timeshifter® to provide science-based recommendations for overcoming jet lag, optimizing sleep, and enhancing overall well-being.

As Karl Llewellyn, the Founder of Sanctifly says, "Getting proper sleep is the holy grail of every traveler." In his quest for rest, he recommends packing essentials like a good eye mask, earplugs, and a lightweight hoodie. Additionally, the Sanctifly app provides an array of tranquil options. You can uncover hidden quiet zones at the airport and access rejuvenating meditation sessions that help you recharge your energy.


By embracing these tips and utilizing innovative solutions like Sanctifly, can help you harness the power of rest during long-haul flights. By optimizing your sleep and well-being, you'll be fully prepared to seize opportunities and navigate the challenges of the corporate landscape. So, in your next business travel adventure, prioritize quality sleep to ensure you're at your best, both in the boardroom and on the journey.

5 Healthy Ways To Spend Time At The Airport

5 Healthy Ways To Spend Time At The Airport

Airport downtime is inevitable for any traveler. For business travelers it can easily become a chore as you find yourself spending hours and hours at the airport. Don’t waste your travel downtime by sitting around and waiting at the gate. Here are 5 healthy ways to spend time at the airport, so that you can make that time work for you.