First Flight, New World: Return Home Checklist


As we start to return to Travel, there have been a lot of articles focusing on how to stay safe while on the road and how to navigate airports. But we need to be as vigilant with our health and wellness when we return home.

If you are collecting your car from the airport; place all luggage, particularly plastic bags in the boot (i.e., trunk). Sanitize your hands immediately before you touch the steering wheel etc.

The very first thing you need to do as soon as you get home is to wash your hands again. This is now ingrained into our everyday routine; it is really important to consciously think about it when coming home from a trip. After being away from a few days, especially in these stressful times, we will instinctively want to greet and hug our loved ones as soon as we get home. Hand hygiene is one of the most important things we can do to stop the spread of Covid-19, so remember to wash your hands as soon as you get home.


What should you do with your luggage?

There have not been significant studies to understand the risk clothing and shoes pose to the spread of Covid-19. The few studies that have been conducted have indicated that, depending on the type of surface, the virus can exist from a few hours to a few days. A study was conducted in April 2020, where the virus was tested in five environmental conditions (aerosols, plastic, stainless steel, copper, and cardboard). The results showed that the virus could survive in the air for up to three hours, on copper for up to four hours, on cardboard for up to 24 hours and on plastic for 2-3 days. Although no cloth materials were tested in this experiment, it gives us a good idea of the types of surfaces on which the virus can survive. In general, the porous, fibrous material in clothing does not provide a suitable environment for the survival of the virus and experts generally believe that clothes pose a low risk to the spread of Covid-19. Shoes may have a slightly higher risk factor if they are made from a hard, non-porous material. Care should be taken to either leave your shoes in an unused part of the house or outside when you return from any trip outside the home.

So, what should you do with your luggage when you come home from a trip? The safest option is to leave your luggage outside of the home for at least 48 hours. Leave it in the boot of the car, in the porch or garage, anywhere it will not come into close contact with you or your family members. If you need to use anything from your luggage, such as a laptop or a phone charger, make sure to wipe it down with a disinfectant wipe before bringing it into the home. If you need your clothes, remove them from your bag and wash them as soon as you get home but still leave your luggage outside of the home for at least 48 hours. And don’t forget to wipe down your shoes too! You should also change your clothes as soon as you get home. Either store the clothes outside with the rest of your luggage or wash it immediately to reduce to risk of contamination.

Something you definitely want to wash right away is your reusable face mask. It is advisable to use disposable facemasks while on your trip as you may not have immediate access to laundry facilities while on the road. However, if you do use a reusable facemask, pop it in the wash as soon as you get home so that it is available to use again when you need it.


Should you quarantine?

This is a difficult question to answer as it varies depending on what country you live in, what country you are traveling from and what your situation is at home. The rules are different everywhere and they are changing rapidly. The most proactive thing you can do is to do your research on travel regulations and stay up to date with the latest quarantine recommendations. Always use reputable sources to get your information and remember that the recommendations change regularly so make sure you check them regularly before, during and after your trip. Deloitte has created a fantastic resource to help travelers stay up to date with travel and quarantine restrictions across the globe.

No matter what the quarantine guidelines are in your country, It would be a good idea to limit your social contact for a few days and monitor your health carefully. Plan a work from home a couple of days. If you feel ill or have any Covid-19 symptoms self-isolate and consult your doctor immediately

Take some time to rest.

Once you have all the hygiene tasks taken care of, it is now time to take care of your mental health. Traveling while Covid-19 still poses a risk is incredibly stressful and it is important to acknowledge that added stress and take the time to deal with its impacts. Frequent business travel has always been stressful and is even more so now with the added stress of Covid-19. Make sure you take some time to rest and recuperate after your trip to ensure your physical and mental health is taken care of.

Use the checklist when you return from your next trip:

Return home checklist_sanctifly-post-covid-travel.png

Sanctifly is committed to helping travelers return to travel safely. Our core message has always been about prioritizing your health and wellness while traveling and now, that is more important than ever.

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