Top tips on getting to and from the airport and your flight stress free

Navigating the trips to and from airports ranks high on the list of travel annoyances. The hustle, bustle and hubbub, the crowds, and the inevitable delays can test the patience of even the seasoned flyer. But worry not, friend—achieving a zen-like airport experience, akin to a monk, isn't a far-fetched fantasy. Follow these tips to glide through your next airport adventure – getting there on time, every time.

Preparedness is Power

So, hypothetical time – your taxi screeches to a halt, you sprint into the airport, only to discover your flight took off without you. Bummer. Talk about a travel nightmare! Thorough preparation is the key to outsmarting travel anxiety. Pack smart, know the airline rules regarding luggage and carry-ons, and check in online whenever possible. It's like adding a suit of armour to your travel day defence.

Arrive Early, Depart Happy

Rushing to the gate with your heart playing the samba under your rib cage isn't exactly conducive to a peaceful journey. Treat the recommended arrival times as an absolute minimum. Think of those extra minutes as an investment in your sanity. Bonus: you might have time for a pre-flight espresso or to grab a leisurely bite to eat.

Transportation - Booking Transfers Made Easy

Getting to and from the airport can be a pain point. Here's a breakdown of the most popular options, ranging from taxis and transfers to public transport and ride-sharing:

● Taxis: Convenient but can be pricey, especially during peak hours, that’s why a transfer is much more preferable.

● Airport Transfers: Pre-booked transfers, like those offered by the AtoB company can be much more cost-effective than taxis. You can even get child seats—a lifesaver for travelling families!

● Public Transportation: Usually a budget-friendly choice, but be prepared for longer travel times and potential delays.

● Ride-sharing: A popular option, but fares can surge during busy periods.

Security-Check Smooth Sailing

The security checkpoint is everyone's favourite travel hurdle (kidding, of course!). Take a few strategic steps to ensure you breeze quickly through the process: Know the Rules

  • Liquids & Gels Must be in 3.4-ounce (100ml) containers or smaller and fit in a one-quart clear, resealable bag.
  • Electronics Laptops, tablets, e-readers need to be removed from your bag.
  • Footwear You might be asked to remove larger footwear, such as boots, so plan accordingly.

A good tip is to pack ‘need it on top’. :Lay out all the items you want to include in your bag and order them so the items you need or may need are last to go in. simple eh? But if you find yourself emptying your bag to find a toiletry, book or charger – you flunked.

Let Comfort be Your Guide

Who says you can't be comfy and chic in transit? Wear breathable clothes that aren't overly constricting. Slip-on shoes save hassle at security. Layers are your friend. Planes can be draughty, and those extra layers help you regulate your temperature.

Remember: Even with the best-laid plans, delays (and the occasional bout of airport grumpiness) can still happen. Take a deep breath, relax, and consider it part of the travel adventure!