No Gym? No Problem! 5 Tips To Help Maintain Your Fitness At Home Or On The Road

5 top tips to help maintain your fitness routine when you do not have access to a gym.

It is a strange time. As Covid-19 completely turns our lives upside down, it’s understandable that fitness is not top of everyone’s to do list. But as we were chatting among the team here at Sanctifly I realised that a common topic and problem for everyone was how much we are missing going to the gym and working out. Exercise will do wonders for your physical as well as your mental health and in these uncertain times, maintaining a healthy body and a healthy attitude is now more important than ever.

Covid-19 is keeping most people confined to their homes, preventing access to gyms and fitness classes and disrupting our fitness routines. Those with a fully equipped home gym and few and far between. And while we may have a dumbbell or two stuffed at the back of a closet, most of us do not have anything to replicate our usual gym facilities. While we usually focus on travel related topics here on the Sanctifly blog, what we are really interested in talking about and giving advice on is wellness and not letting anything (whether that be travel or a global pandemic) disrupt your routine. Some hotels, especially smaller, more affordable chains or inner-city boutique hotels do not have fitness facilities and when you return to travel and things get back to normal, you may find yourself in this same situation. Asking yourself, how can I maintain my fitness routine when there is no gym to go to? Here are 5 top tips for maintaining your fitness routine when you have no access to a gym. These tips are helpful now that we are staying home due to Covid-19 but keep them in your back pocket for the next time you are traveling and don’t have access to fitness facilities.


1. Follow a fitness instruction video

If you are a regular gym user, you probably have a routine that takes advantage of the equipment and weights available there. Translating that routine into an at home exercise routine with no equipment is difficult to do. Follow along with a fitness routine video to help get in a good workout without the pressure of designing it yourself. Search for ‘Exercise routine with no equipment’ and you will find lots of options. Check out this great core routine from Sanctifly ambassador and travel wellness expert, Sara Quiriconi.


2. Make a schedule and stick to it

Building habits is all about consistency. Make a routine and schedule for your fitness and stick to it! Plan out your week and decide which days and at what time you are going to exercise. Having a set plan written down makes it easier to do it. Set alarms on your phone to remind yourself to exercise and make sure that your workout clothes are clean and ready when you need them, just like you would if you were heading to the gym after work. Working out at home is hard enough, give yourself every chance to stick to your fitness routine and feel better for it.


3. Use what you have to replace equipment

No need to run out to the shop to buy gym equipment, just use what you already have at home as a substitute. Layer some towels on the ground to use as an ‘exercise’ mat. This will give you some protection from the hard floor and let you easily do some floor exercises without bruising yourself. Big books work great as light weights for side twists or overhead crunches and any ropes you have lying around can be re purposed as skipping ropes or resistance bands. OK, I know it’s not ideal, but if you get creative you can save a lot of the money and space required for kitting out a home gym.


4. Use your own body weight

Really you don’t need any equipment at all to exercise effectively at home. Body weight exercises have been around a long time and are used by fitness enthusiasts all over the world. Exercises such as lunges, squats, push ups and sit ups are a simple, effective way to improve balance, flexibility, and strength. Many of the ‘no equipment needed’ exercise routine videos will use body weight exercises so that you can easily work out at home.


5. Incorporate stretching and yoga into your routine

You don’t need to do a high intensity workout to get in some exercise at home. Yoga and stretching do not require any equipment at all and are a great form of exercise and movement. This situation can be a great opportunity to try yoga for the first time and feel the benefits of stretching and moving your body in an intentional and mindful way. If you are working from home and are sitting at a desk all day, a quick stretch routine at the end of the day can help loosen up your muscles and help you feel more energized. As an added bonus, most yoga routines will incorporate some kind of meditation or breathing exercises which can be beneficial for your mental and physical health.

The most important thing to remember is not to be too hard on yourself when it comes to your fitness. For some people working out by yourself at home is hard as it can be difficult to get into the right head space for exercise. While there are significant benefits to working out at home, especially as we spend more time inside, some people just exercise better in a class setting or by participating in a sport. On top of that, as we are all stuck at home, we are missing out on a lot of micro exercises through out the day. We are unintentionally exercising when we walk to the car or go to grab a cup of coffee. All this combined can make us put unnecessary pressure on ourselves to exercise more vigorously while at home. Don’t forget your mental health is as important as your physical health so don’t neglect it. Maintaining a fitness routine and moving your body is important but its OK if your fitness slips a bit during quarantine. Making sure you are safe, healthy and happy is top priority in these strange and trying times, so give yourself a break. 😊

Mental Health Tip for Quarantine

Get out in the fresh air at least once a day. You don’t have to leave your house, just stand in your garden for half an hour each day. Staying inside all the time can create a disconnect from the rest of the world and make you feel lonely and isolated. Even if you do not talk to anyone, simply being outside and breathing some fresh air will do wonders for your mental health.

Return to Travel

Right now, we are all staying at home and staying safe and for most of us, travel is the furthest thing from our minds. But things will get back to normal and we will travel again. We at Sanctifly believe that travel wellness and healthy travel will be a top priority among frequent travelers when we return to normal. To stay up to date with all things travel wellness and learn about how you can travel well when you get back on the road subscribe to the Sanctifly Travel Wellness Newsletter.

Until we travel again,

Stay safe from all on the Sanctifly Team.
