travel tips

How to save thousands $$$ on employee airport expenses in 2024

Since the return to travel, the cost of grabbing a quick bite and a glass of wine or refreshment at the airport has skyrocketed. The increased cost of labor, produce and food preparation, prices at the checkout have risen by up to 50% in the last two years. Regardless, business travel is an essential aspect of many companies, fostering partnerships, expanding market reach, and promoting collaboration. So the expenses associated with airport travel can quickly add up, impacting a company's bottom line. In fact, According to a study by the Global Business Travel Association, business travelers spend an average of $293 per day when traveling for work.

So, how can we better manage and control these expenses, ensure our team is getting the best value and are guided to better and healthier options for the airport downtime? By implementing smart strategies to reduce employee airport costs, ensuring that the business trips remain cost-effective without compromising productivity or comfort.

Strategic Flight Booking

Encourage employees to plan trips well in advance, taking advantage of early booking discounts and off-peak travel times. Getting in touch with travel management companies and signing up for a flight alert service like going can help you save 40-90% on roundtrip flights to destinations all over the world from your home airport.

Expense Policy Review

Regularly review and update your company's travel expense policy. Establish clear guidelines on allowable expenses and set reasonable limits. Providing employees with a comprehensive expense policy ensures transparency and helps manage costs effectively.

Expense Tracking and Reporting Tools

Implement robust expense tracking tools to monitor and analyze travel expenses. This allows for better understanding of spending patterns, identifying areas for improvement, and making informed decisions to optimize costs. Generate alerts for price discripencies when one travler is paying more fore the same airport service then an other ( e.g. lounge). Share Airport tips and hacks; best food, quiet zones, layover options. Share company wide, particularly when you use the same set of airports.

Educational Workshops and Tools

Offer workshops or resources to educate employees about cost-saving strategies and tools, such as fare comparison websites, budget-friendly accommodations, or efficient packing tips to avoid extra baggage fees.

Utilize Airport Lounges

Consider investing in airport lounge memberships or programs that offer access to various lounges worldwide. These lounges provide a serene environment, complimentary snacks, beverages, and amenities like Wi-Fi, enabling employees to relax and be more productive before their flights.

For companies with a high volume of travel, negotiating bulk purchases of lounge memberships can be a cost-effective solution. This not only ensures consistent lounge access for employees but also strengthens partnerships. Sanctifly is designed to do just that.

A simple solution to centralize all your employees' airport expenses, get them at the very best rates, and advise them on the very best and often exclusive options to spend their time. One corporate customer with over 50,000 travelers, reported a saving of over 50% on airport lounges expenses! Read more here.

How does Sanctifly reduce my airport expenses?

  1. We are always better value than the walk-up rate of the lounge, normally 30% better value. Anyone walking up to a lounge and paying at the door is paying top wack!
  2. Lounge deflection. We encouraged 55% of members not to go to the lounge, to enjoy an alternative walk, run, gym, spa or place to relax.
  3. We independently identify quiet zones and places to refresh or work, that cost a fraction of the lounge rate.
  4. If the flights are delayed we cover the full cost of the lounge or spa access (more detail)
  5. We can centralise all lounge access expenses to one corporate account and centrally report on all choices and activity.*

New in 2024: Business accounts start at only $99 per month for up to 100 employees. Right now Sanctifly is offering new corporate customers 50% off their first year (2024). Get in touch with us to know more

Minimizing airport travel costs and prioritizing employee comfort and well-being can positively impact morale and productivity while managing expenses effectively. By adopting these strategies, businesses can strike a balance between cost reduction and employee satisfaction, enhancing the overall travel experience.

Never eat breakfast at the airport AGAIN!!!

Image by Freepik

It was the week before Christmas (sorry, I couldn't resist it, because it's true!). 6am, I had just arrived at Edinburgh Airport off a short winter flight dark, cold and dull. The airport arrivals greeted me with uninspiring, prepacked, and overpriced food options along with the usual horde of bleary-eyed travelers, resembling zombies in their slumber on uncomfortable seating, while not-so-clean tableware lay scattered around. I had two hours of work to do and was hungry after my 3.30 am wake-up. This was not inspiring.

So, as per the recommendations in The Sanctifly App, I made the short walk (200m) to the Hilton Hampton. Bright, spacious, newly decorated lobby with ample seating choices on offer for relaxing, working or meeting. The hotel welcomes non-room guests from Sanctifly, and a delicious hot and cold breakfast buffet costs me only £9.95 (less than $15.00!).

I had cereal, juice, and coffee followed by eggs and toast. Perfect set up for the day! If you miss breakfast they have a 24-hour menu, so always welcome to drop in.

Quick shout out to the Moxy hotel just next door, also a super option, particularly if traveling with family. Shh.. they have got a game room.

Fully fed and watered (i.e. coffeed to the max!), I thoroughly enjoyed working for 2 hours in comfort with plenty of resources to recharge my tech and quiet zones to take a call. Well done to Kara Rose and the team at the hotel, a strong recommendation for any traveler to the Scottish Capital.

Let me extend a top traveler's tip - next time you get off an early flight, arrive early for a late night takeoff, or have a layover with a few hours to kill - check out the over 200 hotel options at airports that welcome Sanctifly members to use their lobby, lounge and restaurants (even take the shuttle if needed). It's our free members guide to better options for your downtime.

If you are an airport hotel and would like to be featured for free, register your hotel below.

The Remarkable Benefits of Ice Baths for Health and Wellness

You may have noticed famous athletes immersing themselves in a bath of ice after a challenging match, or perhaps you have a fitness enthusiast friend who champions the use of ice baths for recuperating after a grueling workout. This practice of taking a chilly dip is a type of cryotherapy commonly employed to manage various health issues employing cold temperatures. Despite its seeming resurgence in popularity, it is indeed a time-honored technique with a history spanning centuries of use for promoting health and well-being.

While the thought of submerging oneself in an ice-filled bath may not be universally inviting, this practice could potentially offer benefits to your physical and mental health. However, it's important to clarify that ice baths shouldn't be considered a panacea. The scientific research encompassing the advantages of ice baths presents a complex picture. Here's what you need to understand.

Tom Harvey highlights the benefits of ice baths here. So read on and discover what this therapy could do for you.

Exploring the Health Benefits of Ice Baths

Ice baths may not be as intense as whole-body cryotherapy, which typically involves short-term exposure to extreme cold conditions. Rather, ice baths involve a short immersion, generally spanning 5 to 10 minutes, in water chilled to a temperature between 50 and 59°F. Advocates of this technique use ice baths to alleviate muscle discomfort, reduce stress, and more. Now, let's delve into how the claimed advantages of ice baths reconcile with scientific findings.

The Impact on Inflammation and Swelling

Submerging your body in an ice bath causes your blood vessels to constrict due to the frigid temperature, consequently slowing the blood flow to your muscles. This, in turn, can potentially mitigate inflammation and swelling. According to several studies, this cold-therapy technique appears to be more effective in reducing post-exercise inflammation than other methods, such as wearing compression socks.

Soothing Sore Muscles

Subjecting your body to cold temperatures might provide relief to aching muscles. The exact mechanism is still under investigation by scientists, but it's postulated that the reduction in inflammation and decelerated nerve signaling could be responsible for this analgesic effect. An ice bath might also alter your pain perception, lessening the intensity of the discomfort. A systematic review found that ice baths could alleviate delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) following exercise, though the quality of the studies was relatively low and optimal conditions for ice baths are yet to be determined. Moreover, preliminary evidence hints at the potential benefits of ice baths for chronic conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and fibromyalgia, although more research is needed in this area.

Enhancing Exercise Recovery

Upon emerging from an ice bath, your blood vessels dilate, resuming normal blood flow. This increased circulation, rich in nutrients, might aid in flushing out metabolic waste accumulated during workout sessions, another reason why athletes often use ice baths for post-exercise recovery. While some studies suggest that ice baths are an effective recovery method, a 2021 review indicated that while ice baths can reduce exercise-induced inflammation, they might also impede training adaptations essential for muscle growth and performance enhancement. The apparent trade-off needs further investigation.

Regulating Core Body Temperature

One obvious advantage of ice baths is their ability to cool down the body when you're feeling overheated. A study found that a mere 10-minute immersion in cold water can reduce core body temperature post-workout, helping to prevent heat-related conditions such as heat stroke and heat exhaustion.

Boosting Immunity

Preliminary research suggests possible immune-enhancing effects of ice baths. In a study, participants who combined cold water immersion with deep breathing and meditation exhibited fewer symptoms of bacterial infection than their counterparts who did not. However, the specific contribution of the ice bath to immune function is difficult to isolate due to the combination of methods used in the study.

Mental Health Benefits

Ice baths could potentially improve mental health as well. A study found that participants with gout who took a 20-minute ice bath four times a week reported an improved quality of life. They reported increased joint mobility and lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. Scientists hypothesise that the body's response to cold water exposure might activate the nervous system and trigger a stress response, enhancing mood and stress adaptation over time.

Understanding the Frequency of Ice Baths

Many sports persons recommend a swift transition to an ice bath following a strenuous workout, especially to alleviate the symptoms of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). Some research findings also support this notion, indicating peak effectiveness within 24 hours following a workout. Moreover, some enthusiasts of this chilling therapy propose the idea of concluding each shower with a burst of cold water and adopting regular ice baths only when required, such as during episodes of muscular discomfort or pain.


Ice baths have surged in prominence as a strategy to recuperate after strenuous exercise, demonstrating efficacy in soothing muscle discomfort. They also bear the potential to uplift your spirits. However, they are not a universal remedy for issues related to physical or mental well-being. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with your healthcare professional before immersing yourself in their frosty embrace.

Posted in collaboration with SEO Partners

How to Boost Employee Satisfaction Through Travel Perks

In today's competitive job market, retaining top talent and enhancing employee satisfaction is paramount for businesses striving to thrive. One effective strategy that has gained prominence in recent years is offering travel perks to employees. In this article, we will delve into the various ways organizations can boost employee satisfaction through travel perks, exploring the benefits, strategies, and implementation considerations. Additionally, we'll introduce Sanctifly's Corporate Plan, starting at only $1.50 per traveler a month, which provides individual access to a myriad of health and travel wellness benefits on every business trip, including access to over 600 airport lounges like Plaza Premium, No.1., Escape, Air France, Virgin Atlantic, and many more.

Benefits of Travel Perks for Employee Satisfaction:

Enhancing Work-Life Balance: Travel perks such as flexible work schedules or remote work options allow employees to strike a balance between their professional and personal lives. This equilibrium contributes to reduced stress levels and higher job satisfaction.

Increasing Motivation: Providing travel incentives can serve as a powerful motivational tool. Employees are more likely to be engaged and enthusiastic about their work when they have exciting travel opportunities to look forward to.

Fostering Team Building: Team building is essential for a harmonious workplace. Companies can organize team-building retreats or off-site meetings at unique travel destinations, creating stronger bonds among employees.

Attracting Top Talent: Offering enticing travel perks can make a company more attractive to potential employees. It sets an organization apart in the job market and can be a decisive factor for candidates when choosing their employer.

Sanctifly's Corporate Monthly Plan

Sanctifly's Corporate Plan is a game-changer for businesses aiming to boost employee satisfaction through travel perks. Starting at only $1.50 per traveler a month, this plan offers individual access to a wealth of health and travel wellness benefits on every trip. Imagine your team members enjoying the benefits of access to over 600 prestigious airport lounges, including Plaza Premium, No.1., Escape, Air France, Virgin Atlantic, and the list goes on.

With Sanctifly, you can effortlessly enhance your travel perks program, providing your employees with an unparalleled travel experience that includes relaxation, comfort, and wellness. Click here to get an exact quotation for your team and details on all the benefits they can get with Sanctifly.

Strategies for Implementing Travel Perks

Customized Travel Packages: Tailor travel perks to individual employee preferences. Some might prefer exotic vacations, while others might value the simplicity of weekend getaways. Personalization ensures the perks are meaningful to each employee.

Points-Based Reward Systems: Implement a points-based system where employees accrue points for achieving certain milestones or goals. They can then redeem these points for travel-related rewards like airline tickets, hotel stays, or even travel vouchers.

Collaboration with Travel Partners: Collaborate with travel agencies, airlines, or hotel chains to secure discounts or exclusive deals for your employees. These partnerships can make travel perks more cost-effective for the company while providing greater value to the employees.

Travel Stipends or Allowances: Provide employees with a stipend or allowance that they can use for travel expenses of their choice. This approach gives them flexibility and control over their travel experiences.

Considerations for Successful Implementation

Clear Communication: Ensure that employees understand the travel perks available to them and the criteria for eligibility. Transparent communication prevents misunderstandings and promotes engagement.

Budget Allocation: Allocate a specific budget for travel perks and regularly review its effectiveness. Adjust the budget as needed to maintain a balance between employee satisfaction and the company's financial health.

Feedback Mechanism: Establish a feedback mechanism to gather insights from employees about their travel experiences. Their input can help refine the travel perks program and make it more appealing over time.

Legal and Tax Compliance: Comply with relevant legal and tax regulations when providing travel perks to employees. Consult with legal and financial experts to ensure the program is in line with regulations.

Investing in travel perks for employees is a strategic move that can significantly boost job satisfaction and contribute to overall organizational success. By offering personalized perks, implementing effective strategies, and addressing key considerations, businesses can create a workplace that not only attracts top talent but also keeps them engaged, motivated, and satisfied. Plus, with Sanctifly's Corporate Plan starting at just $1.50 per traveler a month, the sky's the limit when it comes to enhancing your employees' travel experiences. Click here to get an exact quotation for your team today.

Unlock Your Smile: Top Tips for Maintaining Porcelain Veneers

Traveling is a time when we often find ourselves at our happiest, exploring new places and creating cherished memories. And what better way to enhance your travel experiences than by ensuring your smile is at its brightest? If you've invested in porcelain veneers to boost your confidence and transform your smile, it's crucial to maintain them even while on the go.

Porcelain veneers are an excellent choice for restoring and enhancing smiles that have dental issues such as discolouration or slight chips– but maintaining these thin shells is essential for keeping them looking their best over time. We'll give you the best maintenance tips for porcelain veneers to assist you. So continue reading to learn more!

What are Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are super-thin, custom-made covers for your teeth that can instantly transform your smile. They're designed to cover the front surface of your teeth, the part that shows when you smile, to improve your appearance.

Crafted from medical-grade ceramic, these are made individually for each patient to compare one's natural teeth. It looks incredibly realistic and can resolve numerous cosmetic problems, ranging from crooked and gapped teeth to cracked or damaged enamel to noticeable whitening treatment-resistant staining.

It lies in their durability and resistance to stains, but like your natural teeth, they require proper care to shine their brightest. Gorgeous Smiles offers a wide range of cosmetic dental services, including porcelain veneers treatment.

The Advantages of Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are a typical cosmetic dental treatment due to their natural appearance and numerous advantages, including:

  1. Immediate transformation of your smile
  2. Stain-resistant material that looks like natural teeth
  3. Versatility to correct various cosmetic issues
  4. Minimally invasive procedure
  5. It can last up to 10-15 years with the right care

Before we get into the maintenance tips, let's talk about Sanctifly, a leading travel wellness club that aligns perfectly with the idea of maintaining your smile while traveling.

Sanctifly's mission is to revolutionize the travel experience by promoting health and well-being. They provide access to airport facilities and services that enhance your travel journey. Sanctifly offers access to 4000+ premium lounges, gyms and other travel wellness services at around 200+ airports in the world. This means that while you're on the move, you can maintain your health and appearance, ensuring your smile stays radiant throughout your travels.

Top 4 Tips for Maintaining Porcelain Veneers on the Go

Like other dental procedures, porcelain veneers need maintenance in order to endure. Here are the top four veneer care tips while you are traveling:

Pack Your Dental Care Essentials

Just like your travel essentials, make sure to pack your dental care items. Carry a travel-sized toothbrush, non-abrasive toothpaste, and dental floss to keep your veneers clean and plaque-free. If you're flying long distances, consider bringing a travel-sized mouthwash for a quick refresh during layovers.

Brush and Floss Daily

Just like your natural teeth, they need daily brushing and flossing to depose plaque and prevent decay. This practice is key to maintaining not just your veneers but your overall oral health. Make it a practice to brush at least twice a day using non-abrasive toothpaste, which won't scratch your veneers. Flossing allows you to clean the tight spaces between your teeth that your toothbrush can't reach. These simple yet critical steps will help sustain the brilliance of your porcelain veneers and enhance their lifespan.

Stay Hydrated

Hydration is essential for maintaining oral health. When you're traveling, it's easy to forget to drink enough water. Make a conscious effort to stay hydrated, not only for your overall well-being but also to prevent your mouth from becoming dry. A dry mouth can contribute to plaque buildup, which can affect your veneers.

Mind Your Diet

Traveling often involves indulging in local cuisine and treats, which is part of the fun. However, be mindful of foods and beverages that can stain your veneers, like coffee, red wine, and highly pigmented foods. Moderation is key. Try to balance your culinary adventures with tooth-friendly choices.

Additionally, professional cleanings can remove any stains or buildup that may occur over time, keeping your veneers looking their best. Make sure to plan regular visits with your dentist every six months or as advised by your dental professional. Looking after your veneers in this manner will not only prolong their lifespan but also protect your investment


Overall, porcelain veneers are an ideal option for those looking to enhance their smile. To keep their appearance and longevity, proper care is crucial. Following these tips will keep your porcelain veneers dazzling and make you smile for years. Remember, investing in yourself is worth it - especially when it comes to a healthy and radiant smile.

Posted in collaboration with SEO Partners

What is Orthotics and Who Needs It?

Exploring parts of the world is truly exciting as it lets us immerse ourselves in cultures, savor unique dishes and forge lifelong memories. Nonetheless for individuals the adventure can become slightly arduous due to foot discomfort or other foot related concerns. This is where orthotics step in and we're here to provide insight on this subject while introducing you to Sanctifly—a leading travel wellness club dedicated to enhancing your travel experience by ensuring comfort and enjoyment..

What is Orthotics?

Orthotics, in simplest terms, are devices designed to adjust and control the function of our feet and legs to treat an array of biomechanical issues. Imagine you've been experiencing foot discomfort or have been diagnosed with a condition that affects your foot function; you're likely to have come across the term 'orthotics.' But, understanding what exactly orthotics are, and more importantly, who might need them, can feel like navigating a maze. Don't worry! We're here to guide you through the ins and outs of orthotics. Always remember to choose orthotics recommended by a podiatrist. Otherwise, you might end up worsening your condition and even causing further damage. Orthotics are essential, for maintaining foot health while traveling. Sanctifly goes beyond that by providing a travel comfort experience. If you're someone who faces foot problems during your travels Sanctifly grants you access to premium airport gyms, relaxing spas, refreshing pools and luxurious lounges. With Sanctifly you can confidently explore the world knowing your feet are in good hands.

Types of Orthotics

Orthotics are available in various shapes, sizes, materials, and functions to cater to different foot conditions. Below are the three most commonly used types of orthotics:

Functional Orthotics Functional orthotics control abnormal foot function by correcting any biomechanical issues. They are designed to redistribute the pressure and forces exerted on your feet, thus reducing discomfort and preventing further damage. Functional orthotics are usually prescribed for conditions such as flat feet, high arches, or overpronation.

Accommodative Orthotics Accommodative orthotics, also known as cushioning orthotics, provide extra support and cushioning for the foot. They are often made from softer materials and used for conditions such as diabetic foot ulcers, plantar fasciitis, or other painful foot conditions.

Custom-made Orthotics Custom-made orthotics are precisely tailored to fit an individual's unique foot shape and address specific issues. They are designed based on a podiatrist's assessment of your feet, including gait analysis, pressure mapping, and 3D foot scanning. Custom-made orthotics are often recommended for severe foot conditions or those that have not responded well to other types of orthotics.

Who Needs Orthotics?

Orthotics can benefit a wide range of people, from athletes looking to improve their performance to individuals with chronic foot pain. Some common reasons why someone might need orthotics include:

  • Traveling athletes looking to optimize performance and prevent injuries.
  • Individuals with chronic foot pain due to conditions like arthritis, diabetes, or other medical issues.
  • Tourists dealing with postural issues leading to discomfort during long walks and exploration.
  • Jetsetters with foot deformities such as bunions, hammertoes, or flat feet.

However, the key takeaway here is that only a podiatrist can determine if you truly need orthotics. Their expertise is essential in identifying underlying issues and recommending the most suitable orthotic type for your specific condition.

What Are the Benefits of Orthotics?

Using orthotics can provide a range of benefits, including:

  • Pain relief: Orthotics can help redistribute pressure and support your feet, reducing discomfort and relieving pain.

  • Improved foot function: By correcting biomechanical issues, orthotics can improve the alignment and movement of your feet, leading to better overall foot function.

  • Injury prevention: Wearing orthotics can prevent further damage and injury to your feet, ankles, knees, and even back caused by foot-related issues.

  • Enhanced performance: For those adventurers who love staying active during their travels, orthotics can help optimize foot function and keep you on your feet longer.

Sanctifly offers a collection of travel tips, manuals and workout tutorials to provide you with the information and resources, for optimizing your travel experiences regardless of your location. Whether its learning exercises to alleviate foot discomfort during your trip or receiving expert guidance on exploring a city without putting too much strain on your feet Sanctifly aims to equip you with the knowledge and confidence needed to travel comfortably and confidently.

How Much Do Orthotics Cost?

The cost of orthotics can vary greatly depending on factors such as type, material, and customization. On average, orthotics can cost anywhere from $200 to $800 per pair. Private health insurance may cover some or all of the cost, so it's best to check with your provider beforehand. If you think you may need orthotics, make sure to consult with a podiatrist who can assess your feet and recommend the most suitable type for your condition. Don't be afraid to ask questions and understand the benefits and costs before making a decision. Ultimately, choosing the right orthotics can greatly improve your foot health and overall well-being.

When Is It Time to See a Podiatrist?

If you're experiencing foot pain or discomfort that is affecting your daily activities, it may be time to see a podiatrist. Other signs that you may need orthotics include:

  • Difficulty walking or standing for extended periods
  • Frequent tripping or falling due to foot issues
  • Foot deformities such as bunions, hammertoes, or flat feet
  • Chronic foot pain or discomfort that does not respond to home remedies

A podiatrist can assess your feet and determine if orthotics are necessary. They can also provide other treatment options, such as physical therapy, exercises, or footwear recommendations.


Orthotics are undeniably a valuable tool for treating foot-related conditions and enhancing overall foot health. They offer comfort and support to a wide range of individuals, from athletes seeking peak performance to those dealing with chronic foot pain. If you suspect you might benefit from orthotics, a consultation with a podiatrist is your first step towards happier, healthier feet.

And with Sanctifly your foot health and travel aspirations can now go hand in hand,, it's not just about getting from point A to point B; it's about traveling with ease, comfort, and style, ensuring that foot issues never hold you back from exploring the world. So, whether you're in need of a workout, a spa session, a refreshing swim, or a serene lounge to relax in, Sanctifly has your back, and your feet, making every step of your journey a pleasure.

Travel with ease, comfort, and style, making every step of your journey a pleasure. Don't let foot discomfort hold you back; take care of your feet and embark on your adventures with confidence.

Posted in collaboration with SEO Partners

Overcome Travel Anxiety: A Traveler's Guide to Deep Breathing Exercises During a Long Flight

Traveling, while exciting, can often come with its fair share of stress and anxiety, especially during long flights. For some, the very thought of embarking on a journey can trigger anxiety, commonly referred to as travel anxiety or flying anxiety. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of travel anxiety and provide you with step-by-step instructions for deep breathing exercises during a long flight.

Understanding Travel Anxiety

What Is Travel Anxiety?

Travel anxiety, also known as flying anxiety or fear of travel, is a psychological condition characterized by uneasiness, nervousness, and fear associated with the process of traveling. It can manifest in various forms, from pre-flight jitters to full-blown panic attacks during the journey.

Common Causes of Travel Anxiety

Travel anxiety can be triggered by a combination of factors, including fear of flying, fear of the unknown, concerns about safety, and the stress of navigating airports and dealing with delays.

Impact of Travel Anxiety

The impact of travel anxiety can be profound, affecting both the physical and mental well-being of travelers. It can lead to increased heart rate, muscle tension, and even digestive issues, making the journey uncomfortable and distressing.

Benefits of Guided Meditation for Travel Anxiety

Guided meditation is a powerful tool for reducing travel anxiety. It involves following the instructions of a meditation guide or a recorded meditation session to achieve a state of relaxation and mindfulness.

Meditation techniques help travelers stay calm and centered, allowing them to manage their anxiety more effectively. By focusing on the breath and being present in the moment, travelers can alleviate feelings of fear and stress. Regular meditation practice can have a positive impact on physical and mental well-being. It can improve sleep quality, reduce stress hormones, and enhance overall emotional resilience.

How to Meditate While Traveling:

The Science behind Deep Breathing

Stress can wreak havoc on both our minds and bodies. It triggers a cascade of physiological responses, from increased heart rate to shallow breathing. Understanding this, we can appreciate the role of deep breathing in combating stress and anxiety. By engaging in deep breathing, you activate the body's relaxation response, reducing the production of stress hormones and promoting a sense of calm.

Preparing for Your Long Flight

Before you embark on your journey, it's essential to set the stage for a relaxed flying experience. Mental preparation plays a pivotal role in managing anxiety. Ensure that you have a clear understanding of your flight details and pack essentials like noise-canceling headphones, a comfortable neck pillow, and a good book to keep you occupied.

Deep Breathing Techniques

Diaphragmatic Breathing : Diaphragmatic breathing, also known as belly breathing, involves the use of the diaphragm to draw in deep, slow breaths. To practice this technique, sit comfortably and place one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen. Inhale deeply through your nose, feeling your abdomen rise, and then exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat this process, focusing on the rise and fall of your abdomen. This technique is highly effective in calming nerves.

Box Breathing: Box breathing is a structured technique that can bring about mental clarity and relaxation. Begin by inhaling through your nose for a count of four, hold your breath for a count of four, exhale through your mouth for a count of four, and finally, pause for another count of four before starting the cycle again. The rhythmic nature of box breathing can help soothe your mind.

Alternate Nostril Breathing : Alternate nostril breathing is a practice rooted in yoga and is known for its ability to balance the body's energy. Sit comfortably and use your thumb and ring finger to alternate closing one nostril while breathing in through the other. Then, close the nostril you just breathed in through and exhale through the opposite nostril. Repeat this pattern, focusing on your breath and the balancing sensation it provides.

4-7-8 Breathing : The 4-7-8 breathing technique is a simple yet potent exercise for reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation. Inhale through your nose for a count of four, hold your breath for a count of seven, and exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of eight. This pattern helps calm your nervous system, making it ideal for in-flight use.

To complement your flight routine, consider utilizing this step by step guided 5-minute breathing video by Sara Quiriconi- Travel Wellness Director, Sanctifly

At Sanctifly, we believe wellness should accompany you wherever you roam. That's why we offer our members an invaluable collection of meditation resources at no cost, ensuring serenity in every step of your journey. Download the App and explore the extensive Sanctifly library.

Coping with In-Flight Challenges

Traveling can present unexpected challenges, such as turbulence, flight delays, or crowded cabins. For these situations:

  • During turbulence, focus on your breath, and remind yourself that it's a natural part of flying.
  • In the event of flight delays, use deep breathing exercises to stay patient and composed.
  • In crowded cabins, create your mental sanctuary through visualization and guided meditation.

It's worth noting that flight delays have been on the rise in recent years.Keep in mind that flight delays are not uncommon in 2023, according to EU flight compensation statistics there is a 4x increase in the flight disruptions. This data emphasizes the importance of coping strategies like deep breathing exercises. Understanding this can help you mentally prepare for potential disruptions in your travel plans.

Additionally, a recent poll conducted by Mathew Hollman, Founder of Simpila Mental Health revealed that a substantial number of travelers experience anxiety during their flights, further underscoring the need for effective anxiety management techniques.

How to Relax Before a Flight in 60 Seconds or Less:,technique%20until%20you're%20calm.

Sanctifly: Your Travel Wellness Companion

Incorporating deep breathing techniques into your travel routine can be a game-changer. To help you prioritize travel wellbeing, Sanctifly, a leading travel wellness company offers access to 4,000+ lounges, wellness, relaxation, fitness, and leisure facilities at 200 airports globally so you can enhance your travel experience for just $11.95 a month.

In conclusion, travel anxiety need not overshadow your adventures. By incorporating deep breathing exercises, guided meditation, and the support of innovative solutions like Sanctifly, you can embark on your journeys with confidence and tranquility. Embrace the power of such tools, and let your future travels be filled with relaxation and joy.

Top 10 Travel-Friendly Wellness Foods

Traveling can be an exciting adventure, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle while on the road can sometimes be a challenge. The temptation of fast food and limited options can make it difficult to stay on track with your wellness goals. However, with a little planning and the right choices, you can enjoy nourishing foods that support your well-being even while traveling. In this blog post, we'll explore the top 10 travel-friendly wellness foods that will keep you energized, and we'll also introduce you to Sanctifly and its extensive library of tips and travel hacks to help you maintain your health and fitness routines while on the go.

Nuts and Seeds:


Packed with essential nutrients, nuts and seeds are perfect for snacking during travel. Almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, and chia seeds are rich in healthy fats, fiber, and protein, providing lasting energy. They're easy to pack and can withstand hours of transit.

Fresh Fruits:


Portable and refreshing, fresh fruits like apples, bananas, and berries are natural sources of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They're a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth while staying healthy on the road.

Quick Fruit Bowl :

Greek Yogurt:


A protein-packed snack, Greek yogurt is rich in probiotics that support digestion and boost your immune system. Opt for single-serving containers or pack some in a small travel container.

Benefits of yogurt:

Hard-Boiled Eggs:


Eggs are a fantastic source of protein and nutrients. Hard-boiled eggs are easy to prepare in advance and can be conveniently packed for a quick and nutritious snack.

Are eggs good for you? :

Hummus and Veggies:


Hummus, made from chickpeas, is a nutrient-rich dip that pairs perfectly with carrot sticks, celery, and cucumber slices. It's a great way to get your daily dose of fiber and plant-based protein.

DIY hummus:

Trail Mix:


Customize your own trail mix with a mix of nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and a touch of dark chocolate for a satisfying blend of flavors and textures.

Quick Trail Mix:

Quinoa Salad:


Prepare a quinoa salad with chopped vegetables, herbs, and a light vinaigrette. This nutrient-dense option can be stored in a container and enjoyed on the go.

Best Quinoa Salad:

Protein Bars:


Opt for natural, low-sugar protein bars that provide a quick and convenient source of energy. Look for those with whole-food ingredients and balanced macronutrients.

Homemade protein bar:

Oatmeal Packets:


Instant oatmeal packets are not only easy to carry but also incredibly nutritious. They're high in fiber and can be prepared with hot water, making them an ideal breakfast choice.

Hydration Packs:


Staying hydrated is crucial while traveling. Carry a reusable water bottle and herbal tea bags to avoid sugary beverages and maintain optimal hydration levels.

Introducing Sanctifly: Your Travel Wellness Companion

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle while traveling doesn't have to be a challenge. Enter Sanctifly, your ultimate travel wellness companion. Sanctifly is a comprehensive platform that not only offers access to 3500+ premium airport amenities but also a wide range of wealth of travel tips, insights, and hacks to help you stay on track with your well-being goals, even when you're on the move.

From exercise routines that can be done in hotel rooms to mindfulness techniques for reducing travel-related stress, Sanctifly's library of resources empowers travelers to prioritize their health. And to give you a taste of what Sanctifly has to offer, here's a video showcasing some healthy snacks you can pack before you embark on your journey:

Traveling doesn't have to mean compromising your wellness goals. By incorporating these top 10 travel-friendly wellness foods into your journey, you'll be equipped with nutrient-packed snacks that keep your energy levels up. And with Sanctifly as your travel companion, you'll have access to a treasure trove of tips and hacks that will enhance your overall travel experience only at $11.95 a month. Remember, wellness and wanderlust can go hand in hand – all it takes is a little preparation and a dash of inspiration from Sanctifly's resources.


5 Effective Travel Tips that Enhance Your Lifestyle

In today's fast-paced world, travel has become an integral part of our lives. Whether it's for business or leisure, traveling opens up a world of possibilities and experiences. However, without proper management, it can quickly turn into a stressful and overwhelming ordeal. This is where effective travel planning comes into play. It not only ensures smoother journeys but also enhances your lifestyle in numerous ways. In this blog post, we will explore five key benefits of effective travel and how it can significantly impact your overall well-being and enjoyment.

  1. Stress Reduction and Peace of Mind

Anyone who has experienced the chaos of last-minute flight bookings, hotel reservations, and itinerary changes knows how overwhelming travel planning can be. Effective travel planning takes that burden off your shoulders. With professional assistance and streamlined processes, you can bid farewell to the anxiety associated with travel logistics.

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  1. Time Optimization and Increased Productivity

Time is precious, and wasting it on tedious travel arrangements can hinder your productivity. Effective travel planning optimizes your travel schedule, ensuring that you reach your destination on time and in the most efficient manner. By leveraging advanced tools and industry expertise, travel Sanctifly can significantly help turn your layovers into productive ones incase of flight delays .

By saving time on travel logistics, you can allocate more of your day to meaningful activities. Whether it's exploring new places, attending business meetings, or simply relaxing with loved ones, your productivity and overall enjoyment will soar.

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  1. Cost Savings and Value for Money

Traveling can often become expensive, especially if bookings are done haphazardly or at the last minute. Effective travel management can help you save costs and get the best value for your money. Travel management services like, BCD Travel, TravelPerk, Navan (formerly TripAdvisor) have access to exclusive deals, discounts, and loyalty programs, which they pass on to their customers. Additionally, their expertise in budget planning ensures that you get the most out of your travel budget without compromising on quality.

By making smart travel choices, you can indulge in more experiences during your trips, like trying out local delicacies or exploring premium attractions. The cost savings can be substantial, making travel more affordable and enjoyable.

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  1. Personalized Travel Experiences

Every traveler has unique preferences and needs. Effective travel management recognizes this and tailors travel experiences to suit your individual requirements. With specialized tools and personalized assistance, services like GetyourGuide, Navan (formerly TripActions) can help you curate itineraries that match your interests, whether it's a relaxing beach holiday, an adventurous trek, or a culturally immersive tour.

Moreover, travel management services often have a network of local partners and guides who can provide insider tips and recommendations, enriching your travel experiences and making them truly memorable.

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  1. Health and Well-being Benefits

Effective travel planning not only enhances your travel experience but also promotes your overall health and well-being. By reducing travel-related stress and optimizing your itinerary, you can avoid burnout and exhaustion during your trips. Properly planned travel also ensures that you have access to essential amenities, such as fitness centers and healthy dining options, to maintain your well-being while away from home.

Additionally, Sanctifly offer access to 3500+ airport wellness facilities, allowing you to relax and rejuvenate during layovers only at $11.95 a month. Taking care of your health during travel enhances your lifestyle by ensuring that you return from your journeys feeling refreshed and revitalized.


Effective travel goes beyond the logistics of planning a trip; it significantly enhances your lifestyle by reducing stress, saving time and money, personalizing your experiences, and promoting your well-being. By adding Sanctifly to your travel plans, you can unlock a world of travel wellness and create lasting memories during your journeys. So, the next time you embark on a trip, consider the invaluable benefits of Sanctifly; and elevate your travel experiences to new heights.


From Bored to Blissful: How to Improve Your Travel Downtime Experience

Travel downtime includes time spent waiting in lines at bus stops, airports, and train stations. It can be tiresome, uncomfortable, and even upsetting to travel frequently. Downtime while traveling, meanwhile, need not necessarily be a bad thing. In fact, it could be an opportunity to relax, recharge, and even have fun.

Making the most of your downtime when traveling is crucial since it can greatly affect how enjoyable your trip is in general. You'll feel more renewed, energized, and even delighted when you arrive at your destination if you make good use of this time. Additionally, it can aid in lowering the stress and worry that frequently accompany travel.

Plan Ahead for Entertainment Prepare for long periods of waiting: Plan beforehand if you anticipate having to wait a long time. Bring enough entertainment to keep you occupied for the entire time you will be idle. Bring a variety of items: Avoid relying solely on one form of entertainment. Bring a range of things, including books, music, podcasts, games, and even downloaded movies or TV shows. Consider the type of transportation: Some entertainment alternatives can be more practical than others depending on the form of transportation you're using. Consider taking noise-canceling headphones, for instance, if you're traveling by plane and want to listen to music or podcasts. Bring a book or audiobook to keep you engaged on long car trips. Balance entertainment with relaxation: While entertainment is important, it's also crucial to unwind during your downtime while traveling. To aid you in napping or practicing meditation while you're idle, think about carrying a travel pillow or eye mask. Stretch and Move Your Body During downtime during a flight, prolonged sitting can make your body weary and stiff. You can feel better overall and reduce these sensations by moving your body, even in modest ways. Moving around can boost energy levels, alleviate muscle stress, and enhance circulation. Additionally, it can lessen the chance of blood clots, which can occur after prolonged sitting.


You may perform a variety of easy stretches and exercises while traveling, including ankle rotations, shoulder rolls, leg extensions, and neck stretches. Yoga positions like forward folds and seated twists can be performed in confined spaces. Your Sanctifly membership has lots of stretchs and exercises routines that you can use again and again. Designed for when you are at the airport, apublic space with minimum workout gear to hand. Check out the Video tab under any of the TIME tiles in App.

During your downtime, set a phone reminder to remind you to stretch every hour or so.

Try Something New

Trying something new during travel downtime can help you make the most of your trip and create unforgettable experiences. Here are some ideas for trying something new during travel downtime: Language learning: During layovers, stroll through the terminal of the airport or the train station. To assist you to keep accountable for moving about when traveling, think about utilizing a fitness app or a fitness tracker. Meditation: Meditation can help you unwind and achieve inner peace when traveling, which can occasionally be stressful and overwhelming. There are numerous meditation applications available that provide guided meditations for travelers, like Headspace and Calm. You may appreciate the beauty around you and keep your attention on the here and now by practicing meditation. Journaling: Journaling is a great way to capture your travel experiences and emotions. You can use a traditional journal or a digital platform like Evernote to document your journey. Journaling can also help you reflect on your experiences and gain new insights. Creating GIFs: Consider making GIFs from your travel images if you enjoy photography and want to attempt something creative during your downtime. You use a GIF compressor to easily create fun and animated GIFs. Trying something new during travel downtime can help you break up the monotony of waiting and create lasting memories. It can also provide you with new skills and insights that you can apply to your everyday life. Don't be afraid to try something that challenges you, as it can lead to personal growth and new experiences.

Connect with Others Never be hesitant to start a discussion with other passengers. You can start by inquiring about their origins, intended destinations, or favorite attractions or activities in the neighborhood. This can be an excellent opportunity to meet new people, exchange travel advice, and discover various cultures. If you're traveling alone, especially, connecting with others can make you feel less lonely and alone. You can learn about various cultures and practices, develop new relationships, and obtain fresh perspectives and insights as a result. You may get the most out of your trip experience and establish enduring memories by engaging with others while you're idle while traveling. Don't be frightened to engage in conversation with a stranger and leave your comfort zone. Who you might run across or what you might learn is always a mystery. . Conclusion There are numerous ways to make the most of your downtime while traveling, whether you're sitting in an airport line or taking a break from sightseeing. You can transform your downtime while traveling from a tedious waiting game into a joyful and fulfilling experience by making plans ahead of time, being active, trying new things, interacting with others, and taking care of yourself.

Keep in mind that traveling is about the journey as much as the destination. You may make priceless memories and improve your vacation experience by making the most of your downtime while traveling. Make the most of your time the next time you have some downtime while traveling by using some of these suggestions.

Ronie Salazar Guest Contributor,. Ron is from VEED. He is a passionate content marketer with a wealth of knowledge in the online space. His curiosity and enthusiasm led to the development of a constantly expanding portfolio that includes anything from video editing services to publishing his original creations on top-notch websites.

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